
Recently I was configuring some slide templates and I found it impossible to resize several font sizes at once. In Keynote, there are placeholders that have multiple levels, most notably the one for the body, which has multiple levels of bullet points by default. These levels each have their own format settings of course, including their font sizes. Now what if you want the whole thing a bit smaller? Maybe the first three are sized 42/36/30 and you want them to be 36/30/24. What do you do? Well …


Hm… update to this recent post of mine. I just found this blog post about VMWare Fusion’s support for Snow Leopard. Hadn’t thought about that yet — it doesn’t support 64 bit as the host yet, and possible won’t do so for the foreseeable future. In that case, I can’t even use the 64 bit kernel, since VMWare support is very important for me. Well. That makes me think a thought I’ve never thought before… never really wondered too much about 32 vs 64 bit on the Mac. Guess why? Because it doesn’ …


I’ve been fighting this for a while: alpine can open links just fine in Firefox, but when it’s an attachment I want to open (like the HTML part of a message), it fails saying that Firefox is already running and it can’t run another instance. First, I enabled the Prefer Plain Text option. The results are typically nicer than the rendered HTML. It’s easy to see the internally rendered HTML anyway, just use the [[A]] key in the message viewer. Now, when an HTML attachment is being opened, the co …

When I was at DevDays in The Hague last month, all my talks were recorded. Until now I wasn’t aware that something was actually going to happen with these recordings :-) Now the first one of them has been published on Channel 9, here: http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/matthijs/Taking-Efficiency-One-Step-Further-FSharp/

I’m wondering if my FP in C# talk will also be published - while I was there, that one seemed to be the most popular one I did. I’ll ask!

Update: Apparently all presentations …

Not much time right now for a full description of that great conference. But I wanted to get the slides and samples up here for those of you who want to have another look. Here you go:

Taking efficiency one step further — F#

Concurrency using functional patterns in C#

Have fun!

And another great conference, another set of slides and samples. Thank you for being there!

The first stop of my Europe roundtrip is completed and I’m now in Slovenia for NT konferenca 2009. Last Friday I did a guest lecture at campus02 in Graz (which is in Austria, btw — had a few people asking me that), on functional programming in C#. I think there were around 40 people there, everything went smoothly and everybody was very interested — great! Here are the complete slides and samples which were used in the lecture: GrazGuestLectureMay2009.zip{filename=GrazGuestLectureM …


I’m leaving tomorrow for a little roundtrip. First, on Friday, I’m doing a guest lecture about Functional Programming in C# at Campus 02 in Graz, Austria. From there I’m moving on to Slovenia (on Saturday, May 23rd), for NT Konferenca 2009. I’ll be doing two sessions there, on C# as well as F#. I’m also exhibiting for DevExpress — but of course, DevExpress related questions and conversations are always welcome anyway!

Finally I’ll be …