Basta 2021 is still going on, but I have completed my talks for this event. All went well - to varying degrees, since I’m a critical person - and many thanks to those who attended my talks or my workshop!

Here are the links to access online slides, or to download PDF slide documents and source code samples.

Developers and Architects — Strategies 2021

PDF Download

Functional Code in C# 9

Desktop Apps with React

Yesterday I presented my talk Being Functional to the London .NET User Group. First of all: thanks to Dylan and Ian and whoever else was involved for organizing this event and inviting me, and to Skills Matter for making their fantastic CodeNode venue available to the group! I had a great time and I believe everybody else did, too :)

Feel free to get back to me if you have any questions or comments! Here’s the download of samples and slides I used during the talk.{filename=2016030 …

The online publication Informatik Aktuell has just published a German language article I wrote for them on topics of functional programming in C#. Read it here: Funktionales C# für Fortgeschrittene

I finally got round to something today that has been waiting for a very long time: I published my Functional C# library FCSlib on github and NuGet. I first started working on parts of this back in 2008 and put the library together when I wrote my book Functional Programming in C#.

There are still things I’d like to do for the github project — most importantly, I know I have a set of tests somewhere, but because I was using the library for various purposes over years and I didn’t have source c …


On April 13th, during Microsoft’s inaugural UK TechDays event, I’ll be speaking for the Edge UG at the main Fulham Broadway venue. This is part of what Microsoft call the Fringe events, community hosted events that complement the main Developer and IT Pro days. I will be speaking about functional programming on the .NET platform, using both the C# and the F# languages. Here’s the abstract for this talk:

F# is a new language in Visual Studio 2010, a hy …

It seems to turn into a shoot-out: listing directories is suddenly en-vogue! :-) So, Craig Andera posted this code in written in Clojure, which lists some directories lazily, and Chris Sells thought he could do that in C#, too. I thought these code examples all look rather verbose — in the case of Clojure because in that way rather typical for Java, the APIs are pretty verbose to use, and in the case of C# because of all the syntactic, well, ahem, necessities, as well as the fact that there’s …

I was in Amsterdam yesterday and did a talk for the dotNed user group on functional programming in C#. It’s always a great topic to talk about, and as usual everybody was very interested. We spent a bit more time on the Parallel Extensions than I was anticipating — the main reason I even start explaining Parallel Extensions is that I want to point out where their functionality ends — but that was fine. I think I was able to answer a bunch of questions on that, which is always a good thing. …

The first stop of my Europe roundtrip is completed and I’m now in Slovenia for NT konferenca 2009. Last Friday I did a guest lecture at campus02 in Graz (which is in Austria, btw — had a few people asking me that), on functional programming in C#. I think there were around 40 people there, everything went smoothly and everybody was very interested — great! Here are the complete slides and samples which were used in the lecture:{filename=GrazGuestLectureM …