Basta Spring 2022 was once more a great online conference. I was hoping to get back to Germany on this occasion, and back in December it looked as if this might be an option - but then Covid interfered once again. Oh well.

As usual, many thanks to all those who made it to my workshop and my presentations, whether online or in person in Frankfurt! The new AMA format was also very successful in my eyes, and I hope we will have something similar in the future.

Here is my summary of slides and sa …

Basta 2021 is still going on, but I have completed my talks for this event. All went well - to varying degrees, since I’m a critical person - and many thanks to those who attended my talks or my workshop!

Here are the links to access online slides, or to download PDF slide documents and source code samples.

Developers and Architects — Strategies 2021

PDF Download

Functional Code in C# 9

Desktop Apps with React

The online publication Informatik Aktuell has just published a German language article I wrote for them on topics of functional programming in C#. Read it here: Funktionales C# für Fortgeschrittene

I finally got round to something today that has been waiting for a very long time: I published my Functional C# library FCSlib on github and NuGet. I first started working on parts of this back in 2008 and put the library together when I wrote my book Functional Programming in C#.

There are still things I’d like to do for the github project — most importantly, I know I have a set of tests somewhere, but because I was using the library for various purposes over years and I didn’t have source c …

I have recently completed my first course for the Pluralsight on-demand library: C# 4.0 New Features. If you’re not familiar with the Pluralsight library, I recommend you check it out - it’s a brilliant resource!

On September 1st, I’ll also deliver a webcast for Pluralsight, called Being dynamic with C# 4.0 — currently on the list here. See you there! …

I just got confirmation from my friend John that two classes we’d been discussing for the German market are now announced on his site. Here are the details. From June 27 to July 1, 2011, I’m teaming up with Joerg Neumann and Christian Wenz for a .NET Fundamentals Camp. This class goes an entire week and it’s going to happen in Bad Ems, Germany. Follow this link for all the details and to sign up: .NET Fundamentals in Bad Ems [LINK REMOVED]

From September 14 to 16, 2011, I’ll be in Bad Ems …

Gaining knowledge is most fun if you didn’t even know you didn’t have it. I guess it’s the surprise principle — the unexpected christmas gift is one of the nicest to get. Suddenly you learn something you didn’t know, or perhaps, if the subject matter is really something you’re very familiar with, it’s rather that you’re suddenly reminded of something you probably new before but had forgotten about. Great!

I just changed the project type of a library of mine to .NET 4 Client Profile. That libr …

I just stumbled upon this other thing that I don’t think I know: is it possible to dispatch really dynamically through the DLR, from C#? Let me explain. We know that we can use dynamic in C# 4.0, like so:

dynamic i = 10;

// i is now dynamic, but still works like an int:
int j = i + 10

// I can call crazy stuff on i, but the compiler doesn't care -
// it'll crash at runtime of course

If you haven’t checked out code like this in Reflector, go …