I received the feedback list for my DDD 5 sessions yesterday. Let me summarize, with comments:
Session 1 with Ian, Bluffers’ Guide to C# 3.0 - most people thought it was great. The only criticism that touched this session was more about the combination with the second one, see below.
Session 2 with Ian, 10 cool things to do with C# 3.0 - most people thought this was great, too. Some said it was a little too much content for an hour, others said they enjoyed the longest demos most while th …
After a few pre-announcements beta 2 of Visual Studio 2008 is now available. Go here to get it!
No info yet that I could find about updating beta 1 to beta 2… I’ll have to find out, since I’ve got beta 1 installed on my laptop at the moment.
In October I’m going to be in Bristol at the .NET Developer Network, doing talks to introduce WPF as well as Silverlight. I’m looking forward to seeing some of you there!
Guy has described the sessions on the group’s web site, much better than I could :-) So click here to have a look at the details and to sign up!
I finally made it :-) Here are the files with slides and sample code for the sessions Ian and I did at DDD 5.
It happened last Saturday, and feedback from attendees as well as organizers seemed to indicate that it was another major success. I was pretty busy on the day myself. Ian and I did a double session on C# 3 and related features, which was received really well, although the presentation and demo gods weren’t smiling on us — we lost our merged slide deck overnight just before the event (Ian re-merged it just before the presentation), the main projector stopped working in the middle of one of Ian …

I did a presentation recently at the NxtGenUG in Oxford, where I introduced WPF and WCF in a combined session. I created a network enabled implementation of Connect Four to do this. Here’s the download of the demo solution, as requested by some of the attendees:
If you missed my presentation in Oxford, I suggest you keep an eye on the DDD 5 agenda voting page. I submitted the …
This struck me right after my recent post about binding to arbitrary sequences: my helper class was implemented with traditional .NET properties, which isn’t optimal for use with WPF. One thing specifically isn’t good for my purpose, which is the fact that a “normal” property can’t be the target of WPF data binding. Like in this case:
<engine:Grid x:Key="gameGrid" />
<helpers:IntSequence x:Key="rowDummyList"
EndVal="{Binding Source={StaticResource gameGrid}, P ...
Here’s something I just stumbled upon. Not quite intuitive, so I thought I’d write it down. Consider this piece of XAML (you can paste it into XamlPad to try it out):
<Page xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation">
<DockPanel LastChildFill="False">
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Background="Yellow" Content="X" />
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Background="Red" Content="X" />
<Button DockPanel.Dock="Bottom" Background="Blue" Content="X" />
<Bu ...