For the last two years, the majority of my time has been spent on this project, and now it’s out the door. ‘Nuff said.

If you do business applications and you haven’t seen it, go have a look immediately. If you’ve seen it before, have another look - it’s changed a lot recently, especially from the usability point of view. Here’s the announcement, Ray’s blog post about the new Universial SKU of DXperience, here’s lots more information and here’s a trial download. Merry Christmas! …

I might be the last person to find this out, I don’t know — in that case, regard it as a note to self.

I was working with a Windows Forms project, using an ElementHost to embed a WPF control. I was trying to create a WPF UserControl and it just wasn’t working, because Visual Studio didn’t seem to build the control correctly. For instance, the InitializeComponent method call in the constructor of the UserControl resulted in an error message. I looked around for a while and was a bit co …

October 17th and 18th this year, the VBUG conference 2007 takes place at Microsoft Campus in Thames Valley Park in Reading. I’ll be speaking there about LINQ as well as WPF, and if you’re interested in Developer Express technology, this is the place to be because I’ll have a booth there and I’ll be ready to demonstrate all the products and answer all your questions. Looking forward to meeting you there!

I just got back yesterday from the Basta! conference in Germany. It was a great event, very busy for me but also lots of fun. My sessions all went very well and I had a great time talking to people at the Developer Express booth. Thanks to everybody who stopped by the booth or came to one of my sessions!

Here’s all the content from my sessions (if you attended Basta!, you should also receive a CD shortly with all the session slides and samples):

  • [Power Workshop: .NET 3 - The Game C …

I might be late to the party, but I’ll still try to help spread the word: DDD 6 takes place on November 24th this year, and the call for speakers has just been opened. If you’ve always wanted to find good event to do your own session at, this might be it - go here to submit your session proposal!

Another new thing to mention: for Basta! conference Spring Edition 2008, I’m a member of the advisory board as well as the track chair for C#. Should be very interesting, not least because C# will play a very important role in that conference in February. A call for papers is already out - please feel free to contact me if you haven’t received it but you think you should have or it would otherwise be interesting for you.

If you’re in Germany, here’s (hopefully) interesting news: starting from issue 11, my column “C# Corner” will be a regular feature in magazin. I’m looking forward to writing articles for that, on new and interesting things going on around the C# language, as well as best practices and whatever else comes to mind, really :-).

It’s a problem, when you work with Expression types in any way, to understand the structure of complex expressions and possibly recreate them. After all, there are 46 entries in the ExpressionType enum, many of them corresponding to their own Expression-derived type, all of those with their own specific properties… in other words, it’s not entirely intuitive.

To help visualization of Expressions, I have created the ExpressionDumper, which outputs any expression (by default) in a nice hie …