
Some will probably say I’ve been under a rock, but I hadn’t heard of this before. jk pointed me to OpenPandora today and so I had a look at the underlying Pandora service and I totally love it! On a different note, I wouldn’t be surprised if that OpenPandora project had some problems coming, as it gets rid of all the ad sponsoring that the free service normally brings. Definitely worth a look if you like listening to music on your computer. And they also interface with the Squeezebox… …


Wow, it’s read-the-forums day for me today. I burnt an ISO image on a DVD, and for some reason apparently I forgot to finalize the disc…

_Let me mention this right here: I’m one of those people who use their DVD burner sporadically, and I manage easily to forget every time about details like finalizaton — am I supposed to do it? Shouldn’t the disc be usable if I don’t do? I know I can leave it open if I want to add something, but that doesn’t make sense if the disc is then not usable, does …


I forget about this every time and have to search the net again for the info: since Outlook 2000 there have been certain file types that can’t be opened or saved by default when they arrive attached to an email. If such attachments are encountered, Outlook shows the following message: “Outlook blocked access to the following potentially unsafe attachments”. Everything you need to know to change this is on this Microsoft KB page, and it even works with Outlook 2007. …


Two things I don’t really like about Firefox 2.0 RC: the tabs each have a close button now, and when I open a large number of them in one window, I need to scroll right and left to see them all (sure, I can also use that tab list menu, but that’s yet another metaphor for working with tabs).

I understand the reasoning behind these new features, but I just don’t like them — sometimes I want to close a bunch of tabs at the same time, and now I need to hunt for each of the close buttons with the …

My virus scanner of choice had been NOD32 for a pretty long while now, but they don’t seem to be very supportive so far of Vista users. Same goes for ZoneAlarm Pro, which I had been using as a personal firewall solution, mainly for those situations where my laptop runs outside my own network. While the ESET guys (makers of NOD32), or at least their british support franchise, had the courtesy of replying to my mails, ZoneLabs did not, to this date, answer any of my questions about their state of …


I’m having this really peculiar problem using the manual archiving functionality in Outlook (2007) and I’m really wondering if there’s something ridiculous I’m doing wrong, because I can’t imagine Outlook having such a horrendous bug. So if there’s anybody out there who can shed some light on the problem, I’d be grateful.

What I really want to do is simple: I have this enormous amount of mail in my Exchange account, collected over the 13-odd years I’ve been doing e-mail. I do throw mail away, …

I found some baffling behavior in my OneNote 2007 recently. I’m using the excellent new functionality that lets me store notebooks on my file server and open them on more than one machine. OneNote 2007 keeps automatic offline copies of these notebooks in this case, synchronizing offline changes back into the server side versions when the connection to the file server becomes available again. Really great stuff.

Problem is, it has stopped working. Well, not completely — it just started behavin …


This is fantastic — an IDE for PowerShell (used to be Monad). Get it here, it’s free!