
Here’s a problem that a lot of people are having: iTunes supports gapless playback since version 7.x. Okay, admittedly there are also people who think it’s great — to clarify, my personal negative reaction to it is not strictly about gapless playback as such, but rather about Apple’s implementation approach. Apple seem to assume a number of things:

  • everybody needs it
  • the process of gathering all the required info is short, painless and unintrusive
  • their implementation is perfect and doe …


As I wrote previously, I’m using a MacBook now for almost all my daily work. On that post I got some comments about the quality and general availability of software on the platform, so I thought I’d take stock after using it for a while and see what applications I use and where I haven’t found good solutions yet.

Writing, authoring, note taking and similar

Microsoft Office for the Mac is the same enormous package on the Mac that it is on Windows. Well, perhaps not quite as large overall. S …

I was fighting some problems with SlickRun for a while after installing 64 bit Vista on my machine recently. I noticed issues with powershell (SlickRun was always running the 32 bit version of it, even though the path explicitely specified the 64 bit version), and when I wanted to create a command to run SnippingTool, it turned out to be impossible… there are some very weird things going on in 64 bit Windows.

For example, Explorer shows me SnippingTool.exe in c:\windows\system32 (`system …


I had the weirdest problem a moment ago and I found a solution that I thought I’d document for myself and anybody else who sees that issue. I was trying to use Abode Lightroom to import a bunch of pictures from my camera. I was going to have the pictures copied to a folder on a network drive. Lightroom uses a folder selection dialog to browse for the right folder. When I clicked on the entry “Computer” in the hierarchy, this dialog popped up (actually it took a little while to come up, for some …

Just came across this, and I thought I’d document it for myself and others. I was trying to install SnagIt on a newly installed Vista system and every time the installation just stopped right after the first wizard page, giving me a “Fatal Error Message” with the detail information “Installation ended prematurely because of an error.” I had already installed Camtasia before SnagIt, so I thought this was rather weird - seemed like if the installer worked for one of the products, it should work f …

I have previously written about this, and today I’ve had occasion to set up another server. I found out some details doing that, so I thought I’d post an update (as much for my own benefit in case I need to do it again, as for anybody else’s). So, last time I had been wondering about the problems I saw with the SVNService — basically it didn’t seem to be included in the package. After I had finished the whole process, I had had the idea that maybe the problem was a result of the fact that I sk …


Just upgraded BlogJet to version 2. Just looking at the application is quite a treat now — it’s just really pretty. At a glance, they also added made some important changes, like the fact that I can now switch between various blogs in the toolbar, as opposed to basically restarting the application like they did before. Gives me more confidence in the application, somehow.

At the same time, some important features I have requested in the past appear to be still missing. I’ll have to look up th …


Scott Hanselman recently blogged about speech recognition in Windows Vista and so I went to try it myself.  In general, the results are good.  Throughout the process, I had a number of problems and so I’m not yet sure that I can dictate faster than I can type.

  • In  the initial configuration wizzard, there was a problem with the volume of my microphone.  Windows thought it could not understand me and showed the following funny window:

speechrecognitionmicrophoneposition_small.jpg{file …