I’ve been using Developer Express components with VS.NET 2005 (beta 1) for a while, but nearly always in forms that I had previously created with VS.NET 2003. Now, suddenly some problems showed up when these old forms were edited, specifically with XtraGrids and XtraEditors on them. These problems were quite severe, as the VS designer would simply refrain from persisting all properties that are stored in “inner objects” of the main component.

This concept is used all over the DX libraries, for …

I was recently trying to find a solution for a problem with code pages in Zope, in conjunction with Structured Text. The basic problem, which is discussed all over the web, is this: the correct code page has to be configured in the running Zope instance to make STX work correctly with “non-US” ASCII characters. If this is not done, there’ll be problems with special formatting, because STX can’t find the borders of words correctly.

Example: *snídaně* should really appear as snídaně and `**F …

I linked to Gaurav Khanna’s first article about his managed Windows CE Remote API in a previous post. Now there’s an update available. Details in his new blog post.

Via Tameem Ansari’s post: Blogging around the CLR (Shawn Farkas’ .NET security blog) is a comprehensive list of blogs by members of the “extended CLR team”. Certainly a lot of interesting reads among these.

Peter Golde has published a note on his blog about the new MSDN TV video on Power Collections. In the interview, Peter talks about the genesis of the project and various design decisions and he gives an overview of the library structure and the differences between the various collection classes. The whole project is kind of a collaboration between Peter, people at Microsoft who’ve helped launch the whole thing and a community built around Peter’s blog and the PowerCollections forum.

One thing …

I thought I’d pass on a collection of links to articles on debugging I’ve read today. Much of this is not new, but I guess I’m not the only one who doesn’t feel the need to use additional debugging tools every day… meaning apart from those that are integrated in the IDE. I used to do much more of that when I did more development for Linux, but right now the VS integrated debugger is the only one I’ve been using for a while. I guess that may change, though, because I’m really positively surpri …

In this post, Dave Templin explains the purpose of the .vshost.exe that gets created automatically by Visual Studio Whidbey. What it also mentions is the fact that the application domain my code runs in is of course different when I run in the debugger. I found a problem with this where the FriendlyName is concerned. I’ve been using the FriendlyName to construct names based on my application’s exe name, the same way the normal app.config files work. The problem is, as soon as I run th …

An interesting announcement in Gaurav Khanna’s blog: He (I think he’s a he, please tell me if that’s wrong) has got a managed implementation of the Windows CE Remote API. This is his post about CERapi (the name for his managed API).