
I was tempted to call it a roundtrip like before, but that’s not really what it is on the map. Starting on September 17th, I’ll be on my way to several events in the Netherlands, Germany and Austria. As usual, I’m looking forward to meeting lots of people — if you’re in the vicinity of any of my stops and want to meet up, let me know and I’ll see what I can do!

Of course there’ll also be the odd DevExpress license given out as well, so come and join me! On the 17th I’ll travel to Amsterdam and speak at dotNed, the ”.NET gebruikersgroep Nederland” (I hope that means something like .NET user group, otherwise I’m in trouble…) about functional C# programming. This event is also sponsored by INETA Europe, so here’s a thank-you to those guys! I’m spending part of the weekend with a friend of mine somewhere in Germany, and then I travel on to Mainz for the BASTA! conference.

As usual this is going to be a brilliant show. I organized the C# days for the conference once more and there’s lots of interesting content, great speakers, cool night-time events (including my own “who wants to be a millionaire” game show) as well as crazy night-time events (see “Bastoberfest”), and of course, last but certainly not least, lots of German beer :-). I’ll be speaking at BASTA! about F# and several times about C#. For DevExpress we’ll have a booth there, and I’m bringing Rachel as well as Gary with me. A great opportunity to meet us there, ask questions, see new features in our products, carry away the swag, … you name it.

The next leg of my trip takes me to Graz in Austria. I’ve been there once before, for a guest lecture at Campus 02, and that’s what I’m returning for. F# it is once more — it’s the weekend again, but who cares! :-) I’m sure it’ll be great, it certainly was last time. Back to Frankfurt on the Sunday, and the final event in Bad Ems (at Häcker’s hotel — pronounced “hacker’s” — if you can believe it!).

My friend John Martin has recently started his own company Professional Developer Training and he’s set up this training event with Michele Leroux Bustamante. They call it a Microsoft Technology Roadmap and Michele is going to talk about everything that makes the current MS based development world hard to understand. I’ll be joining everybody at that event (they call me a special guest, heh) and I’ll probably find a gap in the proceedings to do something myself — either some technical thing or some DevExpress thing, we’ll see — and once more I think I’ll have some DX goodies for everybody… Wow, that’s it. I’m going home after that and I’ll see if I still recognize my wife and my dogs. See you somewhere around Europe! :-)