I’m not going to make the same mistake again as last time and try to provide an updated version in the old location… so, although there are only a few fixes, the current version has its own place on this page. Here’s the link to version 1.1.3: CR_ElectricEditing-1.1.3.zip
In this version, the checkbox that can switch on and off the whole plugin functionality should finally work correctly. A bug has also been fixed that occurred after an electric semicolon had been entered: the next electric backspace deleted far too much code. I have tested this version in my VS.NET 2005 beta 2 installation and it seems to work just fine. A bit unexpected, but nice :-) So, have fun with it! There have been two other posts on the plugin to this point. The first one, here, has information on the installation procedure, while the second, here, describes some of the functions in more detail and has important information on the compatibility of the electric semicolon function with standard CodeRush settings. If you haven’t read them, it’s recommended you do so.