
Apparently I am, and I wasn’t aware of that until recently. This is not about methods of closing your fly.


Up until two months ago, I was a satisfied user of a Sony RM-AV3000 remote control, which I had been using for a few years. At the time, the Sony had been a replacement for a much older model from Yamaha and it worked flawlessly for a few years. Then suddenly, it started doing funny things — the most important such thing being that the remote would go …


Among the news coming from PDC are reports from the first public presentation of Office 12. Lots of gui changes is the most obvious thing to know about that. They replaced the menu bar with the ribbon… hm :-) Go have a look!


Hm… calculating from the number of times I see any creature whatsoever vomit and considering the relation between the number of rats I usually have any kind of contact with and the number of non-rat creatures I usually have any kind of contact with, I don’t think that’s really a valid question to ask. But this blog article and the pages linked from there, especially this essay explain the scientific reason in great depth. Probably not really necessary to know, but a fun read, somehow :-) …

Well, I don’t. I never switch off my computer and I never quit the utilities that are running on it all the time. There may be better reasons for this than I have, but these are mine: I use it 14 hours a day anyway, and to boot my 3.4 GHz Athlon 64 system from a cold state into Windows XP, with all the tools running, it takes 19 minutes, that’s no exaggeration. In this context, there’s something I absolutely hate: most applications, even small ones, have routines these days that run “regularly” …

> date +%s

Oh well.


Great post by Matthew Baldwin, via KC Lemson’s post. Like Matthew says: If you don’t get this joke, consider yourself lucky that you’re not as big a nerd as the people who do.


Quite an unbelievable bit of poetry, paired with a really useful warning. Funny! I Ate iPod Shuffle


<RANT> Every now and then I want to search for a phrase (or a word) that includes special characters. Nothing fancy, maybe not more than a . (dot) in the “wrong” place. ”.NET” comes to mind, or recently, ”.Text”. The exact phrase search facilities of the various search engines come to mind quickly… but they don’t work. Why is it that Google as well as MSN Search (and probably others) seem to be unwilling to implement a proper exact phrase search that really searches for the phrase entered? …