Once more it’s been a great conference, thank you all for attending my talks and my workshop! As promised, here are the download links for the slides and samples:

I ran into this problem the other day where I updated Xamarin on my Mac and I was playing with various solutions that involved Android projects. I kept receiving this build error:

Error: /<path>/XamarinForms1.Droid.csproj: /<path>/XamarinForms1.Droid.csproj could not import "$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\\Xamarin\\Android\\Xamarin.Android.CSharp.targets" (XamarinForms1.Droid)

I played around a bit with different project types, thinking the problem was specific to one or several of them …

While doing some regex demos, I noticed some strange behavior that doesn’t seem to comply with the docs. I’m working with balancing group definitions as described here. In conjunction with those, it should be possible to use the syntax (?(start)(?!)) to fail the expression in case the balanced elements don’t even out (or rather, if there aren’t sufficient end elements). This conditional expression is documented here in these words:

Matches […] if […] a n …


Ann: Expert XAF in the USA

A little while back, I announced the first Expert DevExpress XAF class to take place in the USA, January 14-18 2013 in Orlando, Florida. I’m pleased that we’ve now been able to confirm hotel arrangements with the Royal Plaza in Orlando.

_This class provides a complete in-depth look at the DevExpress eXpressApp Framework. You’ll start with the basics of creating a data layer with XPO and/or Domain Components, and …

Just a quick heads-up: I just announced my first DevExpress XAF class in the USA, which will take place in Orlando, Florida, in January 2013. [LINK REMOVED]

I almost (well, actually - for a while) forgot to blog about this, but was prompted by the Pluralsight newsletter that came out yesterday. So here goes: my Pluralsight class Introduction to F# is available now! Please follow the link below to check it out, and of course feel free to get back to me with any feedback you have! Introduction to F# @ Pluralsight

A quick update on my recent announcement of the free DevExpress Day in Bad Ems, Germany - Seth Juarez, Technical Evangelist with DevExpress, will join us on the day. He’ll do some presentations around DXv2 and Reporting, and of course he’ll be available to answer all the questions you bring. Here’s the link again, if you missed it the first time: [LINK REMOVED] I hope I’ll see you there!

This I have just announced:

Free DevExpress Day — 25th February 2012 — Bad Ems, Germany

As you may have guessed, it’s free! There will be some technical presentations, and there will be enough time to discuss your own questions, issues and consulting topics. Just turn up and take advantage!

Sponsored by DevExpress themselves, I can also announce there will be a raffle of a DevExpress Universal Subscription license, a value of $2199.99!

You can find lots more details by followin …