I’m going to be at NxtGenUG Birmingham next Monday, talking about LINQ Extensibility. Here’s information about the event — looking forward to meeting you there!

Speaking of grok talks in conjunction with DDD 5, there’s also a meeting of the London .NET User Group coming up on Feb 22nd, that focuses on grok talks on Windows Vista and Office 2007. Last I heard, Ian was still looking for attendees as well as volunteers for the grok talks themselves, so if you want to be there or even help out, be sure to let him know!

June 30th, 2007 it’s going to be. Session proposals are not accepted yet, that is planned for March. I expect sooner or later there’ll also be an “official” announcement on the DDD web page, so this is just a first heads-up. One thing that was first tested at DDD 4 were the grok talks in the lunch breaks, and as they were a great success, the organizers are planning to keep them up. So if you’ve never spoken at such an event before, and a 1 hour sessions seems rather to you, consider coming up …

Karsten Januszewski announces Blend Beta 2 (yes, and Expression Design Beta 1 as well — personally I’m not as excited by this). Nice to hear we’re moving forward on this… let’s just hope Microsoft doesn’t repeat the Expression Web blunder with this. Posts I’ve read lately point to the possibility that they haven’t learnt anything in this regard, and I’m wondering how much time it is worth investing if I’m not going to use it anyway. …

At the London .NET User Group, I did a session last Thursday about validity checking. This was based on a library I had written a rather long time ago, and I promised to make not only the slides and samples from the session, but also the library itself available for everyone to download. So here it is.

The slides, the samples and the library including source code

I’m releasing the library itself under the GNU Lesser General Public License, which basic …

Microsoft’s Vista and Office 2007 launch is in Reading on the 19th and 20th, and I’m not going to make it after all… there’s a Developer Express company meeting that I’m attending at the same time. Too bad, because I’m missing out on all the freebies ;-) Another thing I’m missing is Zi’s geek dinner, which takes place on the evening of the 19th. There’s a little sign-up list that you need to get on, so make sure you do that if you are in Reading on the 19th. Have fun! …


There it is. If you want to create multi-platform (currently Windows Forms and ASP.NET) applications fast, be sure to have a look at beta 1 of the eXpressApp Framework. Here’s the official announcement, which also has some information on pricing.

I have quite a few things lined up for 2007 so far. Of course I’m still — always — looking for other opportunities, so if you’d like me to to a session at your user group, conference or other event, please feel free to contact me! Here’s what I have so far:

January 16th

The Developers Group

Introduction to LINQ

.NET Language Integrated Query (LINQ) is one of the technologies that will be released in the next version of Visual Studio (Orcas). It promises to be an important new devel …