I have just opened registrations for a new training class in January 2011: Business Apps with DXperience Silverlight. You can find all the details here [LINK REMOVED], with the exception of the location unfortunately — I’m working on that! I have ideas, but if you have certain preferences for the location, be sure to let me know! Signing up is possible [LINK REMOVED] right now, and if you do so before November 30 2010, you can take advantage of an early bird discount.
Here’s the summary text …
I just saw this post in the DevExpress XPO forum: ASP.Net XpoDataSource with standard ASP.Net Repeater. Specifically, the question is how a simple setup with XPO and the standard ASP.NET Repeater can support paging. Now, the following setup may not be optimal in all cases, because it depends on an XPCollection and may therefore have more overhead than you’d optimally want. But I still wanted to start by documenting the built-in support, so here goes. (_You can skip the following descriptions an …
Last week was Basta! week in Mainz, Germany. I had a great time, as usual, with all the sessions, workshops, nightschools and keynotes I did… thank you to everybody who helped organize the event, and of course to those who attended! I hope to see all of you again next year! Here are the slides and samples from all my presentation (with the exception of the keynote — these were just pictures anyway…).
I just learned something very interesting on the phone with O2 here in the UK. I haven’t got any time to research it, but then I’m not suspicious that the guy would lie to me about this — if somebody can substantiate this with some pointers to relevant materials, that would be good though. The thing is this. O2 is selling data roaming packages, called O2 Data Abroad. They are paid monthly and they have a cap of X MB per month, as usual with rollover rules too complex to understand and all that …

Next week I’ll be in Mainz, Germany for Basta! Conference, the largest .NET event over there. Just like the past few years, I have been the Advisory Board member responsible for the C# Days. These are Tuesday and Wednesday, and I’m sure they’ll be great again. DevExpress are exhibiting at Basta!, and on each of the three main conference days (that’s Tuesday to Thursday), I will be at their booth at 1:30pm (13:30 for th …
Last week I was at NRW Conf 2010 in Wuppertal, Germany. I did a workshop on Thursday and a session on Friday, and otherwise had a great time with everybody there! A special Thank You to the attendees of my sessions, I hope you enjoyed yourselves (at least) as much as I did! Here are zip files with the slides and samples of my workshop and my session:
I was just looking into the whole topic of drawing something on screen in a .NET WinForms application, so that it appears in the “correct” size. I found a number of issues around the handling of screen resolution and DPI, and in order to remember what’s what, and perhaps help somebody with the same problems, I thought I’d write it all down.
Some definitions
For a start, what does DPI really mean? It is often confused with “resolution”. That is of course not wrong, but still very confusing. …
See, I knew I would forget! Thanks for the reminder, Phil, and apologies to everybody — I promised to upload everything after the user group meeting, but I forgot. So here you go:
Taking efficiency one step further — F#
Have fun!